On Wednesday May 4, 2023, 3 servals named Luik (Stica), Wondelgem and Gent (named after the cities where they were found), flew on the direct Air Belgium flight from Brussels airport to Johannesburg.
Luik was confiscated by authorities, Wondelgem and Gent were caught after they escaped from their home where they were kept as illegal pets. They were brought to the Natuurhulpcentrum were they stayed until they found their forever home in South Africa. They will now live a happy life in the Wild Cats World Sanctuary in an environment and climate where they belong.
See the three video’s of their release at the Sanctuary at the end of this page.

We want to thank Air Belgium for the comfortable flight and smooth cooperation and Animal Care & Inspection Center for the excellent care in the last hours before departure. As the ACIC is a state of the art animal facility, the servals could stay there in the best conditions and with the least possible stress.

The boys quickly left the crate to start exploring and are doing well. They are and are looking relaxed so without doubt they approve of
their new living conditions.