More servals from Belgium to our sanctuary

On 6 September 2024 we welcomed another four servals from Belgium (& the Netherlands). One female, Amani, and 3 males Archie, Alanis and Alvin.

The servals, like the 8 before them, were all confiscated or captured and brought to the refugee centre in Opglabbeek, Belgium. The servals were illegally used for breeding or kept as ‘pets’. Three of them were confiscated in Oostende, of which one appeared in someone’s yard after having escaped. The fourth one was from Dilbeek.

The other servals we welcomed earlier this and last year, were from Gent, Dilbeek, Wondelgem, Houyet and Dordrecht. With these four, the number of servals we currently offer a permanent home to is 17, but we already received a request to welcome and keep more servals in the (near) future. All servals are doing well and very much enjoy their new home in a much more natural environment.

We are very happy to be able to give them the life they deserve, possible in co-operation with:

Natuurhulpcentrum Opglabbeek
FlyFauna, Belgium
WeCare program Qatar Airways
Pride of Africa Wildlife Solutions

We take responsibility, where others should have…

At our sanctuary (and farm) in South Africa, we offer a forever safe home to many animals who were neglected by their owners, or at other places.

With Andrea, Emma and Tina, three lovely interns from the University in Spain (UVic-UCC) we did count and capture (on camera) the cats that live with us and who get daily care, also medical if necessary.

Most of the cats love to stay in our protected 1 HA yard, others make use of the whole farm. Most of them don’t miss out on any meal (offered twice a day), some stay away for a day, or longer, and then return for food and attention.

And sometimes there are newcomers… we expected around 30 but we ended up 40, and still newcomers show up from time to time. Most of them stay and they are more than welcome.

Welcome to Wild Cats World Sanctuary

We welcomed another caracal and 3 servals at our sanctuary. All the way from Belgium.

Lots of servals (and the occasional caracal) are kept as (illegal) pets or for breeding. Many seem to end up in the streets (escape?), or they are confiscated. Very few times the owner gives up on them, finally realizing they don’t make good pets.

After a very long journey from Brussels to Johannesburg, Lalana (caracal), Jill, Abel & Apollo (servals) finally arrived at our sanctuary. They seem to settle in well already; looking relaxed and they immediately started exploring their forever safe home

Thank you:

  • FlyFauna (Jimmy Celis) for the good care, safely delivering them at Brussels Airport.
  • Qatar Airways for a good and safe flight and care on board.
  • Pride of Africa Wildlife, Michael Falls, for handling their arrival with paperwork and Veterinary check by state vet
  • Natuurcentrum Opglabbeek for the temporary housing of these cats and arranging the best safe permanent home again.

In 2023 we already welcomed the three servals Stica, Wonny & Gent Earlier this year, servals Dutchy & Dilly arrived to have a wonderful forever life at our sanctuary Working on another four coming in a few weeks time!!

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