February 19, 2022 by Web Master

At our sanctuary it is not just heaven for the bigger and smaller wildcats such as leopards, cheetahs or servals/caracals… also the smaller African wildcat (pure blood) and Black-footed cats (currently homed at a separate place) are having a safe place at our sanctuary.
Then we also have the feral/wildcat program – giving home to 30 feral and (semi) African wildcats, and helping farmers to capture them in order to fix and vaccinate them. Lots of them found a wonderful home on our property.
The biggest group living in our yard, the African wildcats are homed separately on our farm and some loved to be promoted to domestic cats. All of course get daily food, water, love and when necessary medical treatment. On these photos you can see some of the cats, with all different colour variations.
If you support Wild Cats World – you support all the cats at our sanctuary, wild or tame, big or small. Please write to info@wildcatsmagazine.nl (or use our Contact form) if you are interested in supporting our organisation or if you like to (symbolically) adopt one of the resident cats at our sanctuary.