About lion Cecil and hunting…..

In reaction to all commotion due to dentist Palmer illegally shooting lion Cecil herewith our thoughts about the matter and more…

No the world’s anger at dentist and hobby hunter Walter Palmer isn’t misplaced (well referring to a hunter is misplaced big time!), but the world’s anger must have a wider angle, so against all killers (again, this has nothing to do with hunting) of lions or any predators. All this commotion “just” about Cecil when daily huge numbers of lions and other predators are being killed (slaughtered, abused…), not to speak about the other animals, and good humans in the same horrible way. Due to this act of dentist Palmer also lots of discussions started about hunting, eating meat, using leather/fur….well, why not once and for all give our opinion about this?

Here we go. We have nothing against eating meat (non-vegetarians) and hunting in the true sense of the word. All predators are born being carnivores, whether we like it or not. Hunting is something done from the old age, and against responsible hunting we have no objection. Meat must be there (not necessarily for humans who have a choice to become vegetarians, but for 4-legged predators this isn’t an option). If a prey animal (game, horse, cow, chicken….) did have a great, respectful life and treatment and a quick, painless death, we have nothing against it. S.A. farmers have lots of game on huge farmlands and their game live like in the wild, multiply enormously and surplus and not-healthy animals are killed, and at respected places truly hunted and the meat is used for human consumption and often available for captive places with predators to give them an outstanding diet like in their natural habitat.

Nothing wrong with this, much better then all the meat around the world sold at supermarkets and butchers, of poor animals being mistreated and abused, a miserable life and a painful way of suffering until finally death follows. This is the steak or cheap chicken on your plate every night, remember that, before you join the discussions about hunting. In our eyes trophy and canned hunting predators like lions, for pleasure, has nothing to do with hunting. This is just killing! Also the sense of posing with a dead animal (“trophy”), whether game or predator, is beyond our comprehension. What on earth does this have to do with hunting? Any other then showing off the animal you killed, and what a pathetic ego you are. Also trapping and abusing animals for leather (have you seen the croc breeding farms and what abuse takes place there?) or for the use of fur in fashion, has only got to do with abuse and nothing with necessity or hunting.

So this is our humble opinion about this all. The one good thing about the commotion about lion Cecil could be if this would be regarded in a bigger perspective, and that finally action is undertaken in the world against Canned and Trophy Hunting, and the whole breeding and petting industry of predators like foremost the lions. But like we said before, we can see this interest world-wide decrease again before any action is taken. Cecil will be forgotten by the majority of people soon, and we true wildcat enthusiasts and projects fighting for their life and well being, will still be trying to rescue individuals as that is the only thing you can do, frustrating as it is.

So people don’t just talk about Cecil but do something about the lion (and others…) hunting and industry now, before it is forgotten. And as for the hunters…..only in a responsible and respectful way…..hunting in the true sense of the word (and forget the posing…..)


The bay cat in Kalimantan, new information from recent sightings

Through the use of camera traps we present new information on the distribution of bay cats (Catopuma badia) in Kalimantan including two new confirmed locations. Nine sites were surveyed between 2011-2014 across Central and East Kalimantan.

All new photographs were taken during daylight hours and only 1 of 4 cats was captured near water. We consider the presence and non-detection of bay cats in different forest types and at different elevations noting that the photos were obtained from cameras placed at or higher than the average altitude of the whole camera grid at each site and all from disturbed forest.

The distribution of cameras is not believed to affect detection of bay cats as long as all micro-habitat types are surveyed. We highlight the priority of peat-swamp forests for additional survey effort.


The Wild Cats World “Sponsor Space” Campaign 2015

The Wild Cats World “Sponsor Space” Campaign 2015

If you want to truly show your love for cheetah and/or leopard by contributing to their welfare? Know exactly what you sponsor and what your money is used for? Then maybe you should read on here and find out what our “Sponsor Space” campaign 2015 is all about.

We in Wild Cats World have only the welfare of our ambassadors and their relatives in the wild at heart, we already give them the best that is in our power but of course we want so much more for them. Yet, funding is the only problem that is stopping us here. We would love to keep on expanding size of the enclosures of the leopards and the cheetahcamps as fast as possible of course. Of course we know all of you, wild cats enthusiasts, would love to see this happening too and for sure you want to make a contribution, not knowing how, and if your money is spent like you hope it would be. Sadly lots of orgs that are fundraising don’t spend the money directly on the animals or projects, but support human interest with that first of all. Not Wild Cats World.

So….in this “Sponsor Space” campaign, we invite you all who want to really make a difference for our leopardambassadors Feline, Felix, Felicia and Félipe, or cheetah ambassadors Speedy, Spiky and Sunny (and neighbouring friends), and indirectly for their species, to sponsor more space for them. You can sponsor like say 100 m2 for the leopards, or 0,5 HA for the cheetahs. Used for fencing (and if possible enrichment). The more people join us the more space they will get…no limits to that, but to set a goal what we like to achieve at least: 900 m2 for the leopards (extension to current connected enclosures) and 5 HA (extension to their current huge camps) for the cheetahs. What’s in it for you? You get an exact quote how much your sponsored part will cost, your name will be on the “sponsor fence” of the enclosure/camp you sponsor with exact mention of how much you sponsored as well as on the WCW website and social media pages, you will get a full detailed report at the end about the construction and extension of the camps also (partly) thanks to your contribution, you are welcome any time at our project to see for yourself if we kept word (free entrance & photo opportunity for the sponsors). For the people who really want to sponsor big time, we will offer a free stay for a few days at our project to see what you sponsored and to meet all our ambassadorcats, as well as the Wild Cats World team. All your supportive ideas for enrichment inside the enclosures/camps (as well as the funding for it) are of course welcome too. No limits to this offer for you all to be able to do something constructive for the leopards and/or cheetahs (if successful another campaign will be started in future for the smaller ambassadors in our project).

sponsor place WCW
People who are genuinely interested in supporting and funding please contact the Wild Cats World Founder/Director, Babette de Jonge, by e-mail: info@wildcatsmagazine.nl with questions and offers! Madame X offered to sponsor 100 HA for the (rescued) Canned Hunting lions, how far will we all get together???
Best Before (or deadline): 31December 2015

Sid and Louise, two gorgeous African Wildcats


The two (Southern) African Wildcats (Felis silvestris caffra, ‘vaalboskat’ in Afrikaans) shown in this video are Sid and Louise, and are Wild Cats World’s (www.wildcatsworld.org) ambassador wildcats.

Recognition: the African Wildcat closely resembles a domestic cat (of which is it the direct and recent ancestor), with a grey or buff ground color and warmer tints on the face, back of the ears and on the belly.

Habitat: woodlands, savannahs, grasslands and steppes.

Food: mainly rats, mice and small mammals up to the size of a hare. Birds and, less frequently, reptiles, frogs, and insects are also taken.

Status: although widespread and common (IUCN: Least Concern), the wildcat is prone to hybridising with domestics cats, and is frequently victim to dogs.

Diva and Boy: A devoted black-footed cat mother and her kitten

Diva and Boy: A devoted black-footed cat mother and her kitten

Wild Cats World & Wild Cats Films present a new video:

WCW female black-footed cat ambassador Diva, a devoted mom to her (and our male Blacky’s) kitten Boy.

Footage dating January 2015 as part of the WCW Black-footed Cat Conservation Project. Our ambassadors currently live at Cat Conservation Trust.