In the crazy and insecure Covid-19 months it is a challenge at it is to get enough funds together to keep the excellent care and feeding of the many animals going. No one knows yet how long it will take before things will go better. For emergencies like buying a new engine for a sport aircraft to assist anti-poaching, there’s not much left. But as you will all understand, it is very important that the anti-poaching work continues to not give free way to the ones destroying all beautiful wildlife.

So if you can please, please find the kindness in your heart to help sponsoring this very good cause. If you want to give a donation to a cause that is worth support, we can surely recommend this. Here’s the story in a nutshell by Sean Hensman of Adventures with elephants, anti-poaching of rhino, elephants and all other wildlife in need.

The story in a nutshell. We purchased the light sport aircraft from an APU near the Kruger, as they were upgrading their aircraft from the Surveillance BatHawks to another faster aircraft, with a longer range to reach further into wilderness areas quicker. We didn’t have the funds for the faster aircraft, and didn’t feel we needed to be as fast or have the endurance that the previous owner did, so decided on the BatHawk which is a great Low & Slow aerial platform. Since purchasing our BatHawk we have used the aircraft to assist the greater community / area with conservation work as well as security work from the air, and in doing so it had become an invaluable tool for the wider area. We have used the BatHwak to find rhino that have been poached, wounded and even simply not seen for a few days. We have found other wildlife that have been injured, caught in snares and even just done basic counts to monitor numbers. We have monitored wild bush fires, assisted tracking teams from the air, caught poachers and criminals as well as conducted surveillance flights around the area.

Sadly on a routine flight Mike had a catastrophic engine failure, he was lucky enough to land safely without damaging the airframe of the aircraft but the engine is beyond repair. So we have had to purchase a ‘new’ second hand one, sadly insurance doesn’t cover engine damages. The prop broke in the incident so we have had to purchase a new propeller too, and have to get the aircraft re-certified to fly.
All a bit of an issue especially now during Covid with no funds coming in. To top off our woes there has been a spike in poaching in the wider area and the APU’s have asked for our aerial support on many occasions which we haven’t been able to help with due to the aircraft being grounded.

For details how to donate please go to
Thanks so much in advance!!!