Wild Cats Leopard Fascination – new book by Wild Cats Babette de Jonge

Soon to be released: The first book in the “Wild Cats Books” series, starting with (of course!) the leopards. It is a coffee table book with lots of (educational) info, nice memories of author, and lots of great Wild Cats Photography, of wild leopards and the WCW ambassador leopards. More info about the book soon!!!

“Wild Cats – Leopard Fascination” for sale now!!!

Now for sale the first book in the new “Wild Cats” series by Babette de Jonge/Wild Cats World, with lots of wild leopards, the WCW ambassadors Feline, Felix and Félipe and much, much more. 129 pages, full colour with lots of pics and great info. If you have problems with ordering, or if you like to have it on E-book, please contact us.

View the online preview of the first 15 pagies of the book!!!

Some more publicity for the good cause

In today’s local paper “Gooi-en Eemlander” (24/1/13) some more publicity for our Wild Cats World and Spotted Cats Conservation projects in the interview with founder/manager Babette de Jonge. Sorry, in Dutch again, but the basic message is what we are trying to tell here everyday: By raising awareness, education, conservation and by giving the cats the respect they deserve, in their natural habitat and in captivity, we are trying to do our fair share to make the world a better place for the wild cats species.

Oog Voor Zuid Afrika, nr. 2-2013

For the Dutch (and South African) readers: in the second “Oog Voor Zuid Afrika” magazine you can read this 2-paged interview with Babette de Jonge about Wild Cats World, Spotted Cats Conservation and her passion for the wild cats. From February 1st the magazine will be available in Holland in the better magazinestores like Ako, Bruna and Primera, but there’s also an on-line copy available. For that please go to the website www.oogvoorzuid-afrika.com.