Enjoy this incredible video of African leopard (Panthera Pardus Pardus) mom Feline and her three wonderful cubs, playing & grooming.
At Wild Cats World.
Video by: Babette de Jonge, founder/CEO Wild Cats World
The African leopardcubs @ Wild Cats World meeting their daddy for first time without a fence between them.
Click for larger version
We share this picture not to show off or to encourage everybody to do the same. Leopards are no pets, neither are cheetahs, lions, tigers
etc. and in our WCW projects no one is allowed to interact with our ambassadors, to give them a natural life as possible which works. Come and see for yourself!
With this leopardgirl Felicia we have come a long way to get her in good shape and health, and to make her live a leopard-worthy life with lots of natural space and nice leopardfriends who groom her and play with her. She was almost lost to this world, but now she regained health and strength!
This is about a bond we have. Even though it is a private photo, we decided to show this picture to make a statement to all coward canned & trophy hunters, who feel so brave to pose holding a leopard or other big cat in their arms that they have just shot and killed. They feel brave to pose with a dead wild cat, big shame on them. This is posing with a leopard alive and healthy, important ambassador to her species in the wild and no, we don’t feel brave holding her like this, as you can bond with all living beings as long as you respect them. We need to rescue them.
STOP THE LOWSCUMS KILLING THEM!!!! (don’t try to do this yourself though, as it is of course all about a strong bond, not to go to a
cuddly place and pay money for interaction, as then you will also support Canned Hunting).
Javan leopard Release Program – Wild Cats World in co-operation with Wanicare Foundation/Chikananga Rescue Center, Indonesia. Please help us to release the Javan leopards Dimas and Sawal… and help out in future human-leopard conflicts, by your generous funds. Thanks! More info…
A tragic story to read and share worldwide – as this is the reality of the (African) wild leopards in South Africa and how interested people & projects are to try and save this species, like all others, and how is being messed with us, who truly wants to do what’s in our power for the leopards and wild cats. It is very, very tragic and it makes us very sad. By a “befriended” wildcatfarm in SA a few days ago we received this photo of a captured wild female leopard and the
following message “Wild adult female Leopard for sale captured near
the Botswana border. Still in small cage captive. R50 000.00” Your
first thought is to buy and rescue this poor cat right away, but of
course you can’t. You are with your back to the wall, because: this wild leopard is being sold by a farmer, who wants money for the (as he claims) loss to live stock (almost 5.000 euro???). First of all it is illegal to capture and sell wild animals, there are no permits, and buying this leopard would encourage this farmer and all other loosers to capture more wild leopards and make easy money on it. Asking the “leopardman” of SA for help didn’t get us any further. So far we
haven’t got any details from the people capturing and selling the leopard, and the people protecting this kind of deals. Of course, as
people are not to be trusted, we don’t even know for sure if it is about a wild leopard to start with…..No reply from Nature Conservation just yet and no help….but if they take matters in their own hand, it could be a big worry too. Often they give permits to the farmers to shoot the leopards or other animals. So not much help here either. Meanwhile the female is in a very small cage…waiting for her fate…..being sold (to the wrong people) or being killed? And it is not just about this leopard…..this is the faith of the whole species. Welcome to conservation, welcome to South Africa, welcome to the world where people rule….with no interest in saving “lousy wild” animals to start with. The “farmer” would keep the leopard for 2 days…which will pass today…..and then what?? Any suggestions people????
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