Early Saturday morning (26/3/22) we were contacted by a ranger at Zebula Game Reserve about a civet cat that had been hit by a car and found on the road by a visitor. The ears were twitching a bit but that was all the movement left in the poor civet.
So we quickly rushed there to see how we could help. It was difficult to see what chance the civet cat still had to survive, and to see what really was wrong, so we had the vet take a look. X-rays were done and other tests, to find out this was a “lucky one”, to have nothing broken, and no vital organs damaged.
It was still in shock of course, very cold and wet. And suffering a bad concussion. The vet gave anti inflammatory and put him on a drip. Monday after, he is still at the vet. He tried to stand a few times which is good, but the bad concussion gave too much problems still. When he can leave the vet again, not sure when that will be, we will give proper care until he is well enough to be released again.
Thanks to Mariette at Zebula and foremost the guest who picked him up and by doing so was the initial rescue of this poor fellow.
A special donation page on Facebook will be created soon and we appeal to your generosity to support us to provide the best of (medical) care for this civet and all animals/cats like him.
On this page we will publish the full story and all up-dates.
Paypal info@wildcatsmagazine.nl
Europe: Stichting Wild Cats World ABN AMRO Bank
IBAN NL22ABNA0517247135
BIC code of the bank is ABNANL2A
Ref: rescue civet cat