Wild Cats vs abuse, trade, hunting and exploitation

Yes THIS (see photo!) is exactly what we think about all the animal abuse… exploitation, trade, bone and Hunting ‘industry’ in South Africa.

Thanks to the best Leopard ambassadors we have been working for most of 2019 on a huge scale Investigation as for the mentioned before. Name and shame and revealing time soon…

It is scary that everybody somehow and in some way is involved in this business. Foundations, welfare organisations, conservation… huge laugh, in fact the biggest threat to Wildlife as it appears now. Learnt so much past time… hard to describe. Yes the book will be there in the end too!

Thanks to Caib our volunteer from Scotland for the great picture, Chui @ Wild Cats World.

Volunteering at Wild Cats World

Published October 21, 2019 | By Web Master | Edit


The main focus during your stay will be to learn everything about diet, husbandry, living conditions and hygiene practices in order to prevent diseases. You will learn all this while assisting the caretaker or owner giving the best care to African wildcats, Black-footed cats, Caracals, Cheetahs, Leopards, Servals and a group of feral cats.

BUT… we of course want to give education as well. We want our volunteers to leave knowing all important facts about all species you worked with.
Also about the lions of which we initiated the rescue of 10 animals from Canned Hunting, not in our care but safe and sound. So, we added this special item to the volunteering program, soon to start.

For more info write to info@wildcatsmagazine.nl

Availability from April 2020 and months after – this year until April 2020 we have no availability anymore: full house.

Olive Foundation

In memory of Olive (and all others), one of the many victims of South Africa’s disrespect to wildlife: poached and stripped. Olive Foundation, by Wild Cats World, raises funds for all activities fighting against poaching, stripping, trading, hunting…..snares. As well as to rescue her three friends out of the same “hell hole” and construct a nice and safe home for them.

Olive Foundation – in memory of Olive, Cleo, Phoenix & all other
victims to poaching.

Please do support Olive Foundation with this essential work. Her death being not in vain, we hope she will be the symbol of the rescue of many big cats and other wildlife awaiting the same ill fate.Thanks.

Paypal: info@wildcatsmagazine.nl
Banktransfer to: Stichting WIld Cats World
ABN Amro Bank
Bussum, Netherlands
Reference: Olive Foundation

Canned hunting lions to Madame X Project!!!

(not the ones on this photo)


Behind the scenes we have several projects either started by us in Wild Cats World or supported by us. We already informed you a while ago about the celeb, Madame X, that asked our help to make her dream (and the one of some lions and cheetahs) come true. She has lots of influence, land and well yes, the funds, we support her with the knowledge and suggestions how to make this project work.

Canned Hunting in South Africa is a big issue…..and even though there’s still a lot of people who believe in the fairytale to bring (captive) lions from Overseas (like Europe) to South Africa for the so-called promised release in the wild. Well sorry people, this is never going to happen! Bringing water to the sea isn’t going to help. There’s a lot of lions in South Africa waiting on the hunting lists, help them instead of bringing more lions to SA…ending up in a private project or sanctuary (1 ha is the average size you can offer in SA) in SA so you might as well keep them the same way in e.g. Europe. In South Africa you cannot release captive born lions and cheetahs without 100% certainty of the family tree or studbook. So no circus or zoo lion will ever be released.

We in our captive SA project, rescued 2 lions out of Canned Hunting before, and after all the hassles (headaches) that caused us, we decided lions are no go for our SA project, but of course we still fight for this species like for all wildcat species, big or small. So when Madame X (a celeb who doesn’t want her name revealed) offered this chance of a lifetime, we started searching for lions to start a nice Pride, for a long life in the best of circumstances with lots of space (talking to start with about 1000 HA and more). Negotiating with Canned Hunting breeders is so much easier when a celebrity is involved. She just confirmed us today 5 lions were taken from the Canned Hunting List and offered to the Madame X project: 2 male lions (brothers) and 3 females (sisters). No need to mention that this project will be ethical in every way, so no BREEDING involved! It is a start…..

As for cheetahs we aim for (hopefully) our own off spring to give the same future to as these lions. As for the problems mentioned above, the lions will not be kept in SA but in a European country with the right climate and equal space. We hope if this project seems to turn out 100% to the satisfaction of Madame X we can mention to her starting with a similar project for snowleopards.

So much more opportunities when there’s enough funds. Celebs usually are not very interested to help out projects for endangered cats but when they ask our help to be part of a project this huge, it is a big compliment. You will understand we have to be very discrete about this project so sadly we are not able to give you all inside info, but just to share with you the best news that at least another 5 lions are safe, ready for a wonderful future!


Save Our Lions -  Ban Canned HuntingSaturday, March 15th 2014, is the day to show you truly care about the fate of the lions. The GLOBAL MARCH FOR LIONS, 62 cities around the world marching for the lions, against the ugly CANNED HUNTING. Wild Cats Magazine/World is joining the march in Amsterdam (NL), we hope you will give your support to the lions too, wherever in the world…!

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